Saturday, February 7, 2009

Import Mp3 In Propellerheads Record

, a construct. (...)

No man is born scientist. If, in every man there is the ability to step back from the real sensitive to study, understand, to represent conceptually, to prepare a report on the discourse structure between the object and the object itself, such a gift, such an innate potential to be cultivated. It must be able to build in space-time knowledge, valid knowledge, lasting about an object or a category-specific object. But the question is how to take ownership of science, reaching scientific knowledge and create methods of construction of scientific thought?

Without limiting the fields of thought and the various settings in which this question is given to understand, we propose, via this blog, the study and invite them to reflect from the plane as follows:

- Science: definitions and determining criteria.

- The process of developing a science

- Science or Science?

- Embedding science, how?

- Building a scientific thought, how?

- Science and Program school education.


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